Hordak - Padre
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Volim muziku sa Iberijskog poluostrva. Posebno, ako svoje korene traži u Keltiberijskoj tradicji. Tu su bendovi Arnica, The Wyrm, Urze de Lume, Cuelebre, a među njima se posebno izdvajaju momci iz benda Hordak. Naziv su izabrali po legendarnom junaku crtanog filma "Gospodari svemira", Hordaku. Svoju muziku definišu kao celtiberian pagan metal. Iza sebe za sada imaju jedan demo i tri full lenght izdanja. Svoj četvrti i najnoviji album Padre, objavili su početkom ove godine pod patronatom velike izdavačke kuće iz Rusije, Casus Belli Musica. Fizičko izdanje albuma izgleda stvarno impozantno. Cover radi ni manje ni više, jedan od najvećih umetnika današnjice Kris Verwimp. Sve pohvale za njegov rad. Digipack izdanje donosi i dodatak, rusku verziju Otac, koja na najbolji mogući način oslikava i dočarava izgled albuma. Na njemu se nalazi deset pesama prožetih odličnim rifovima i mi počinjemo sa slušanjem.
Prva numera Ekleipsis - Debourer Of Gods. Brzi rifovi na samom početku stavljaju nam do znanja šta nas čeka. Pozivaju se stari bogovi. Oni žive među nama. Tekst dobar, dok muziku stvara uigrana ekipa. Sledeća numera Bloodline Of The Wolves, sirovo od starta. Solaže se nižu. Traži se krv našeg vođe klana. Pesma prepuna naboja i emocija. Neprijatelji stradaju od našeg oružja. Treća numera Soaring. Flauta nas uvodi u dvore naših predaka. Tonovi su mirni i sve je staloženo. Mi uživamo, a onda topot doboša naš smiraj prekida i ustajemo. Ta predivna flauta se ponovo čuje i meša se sa zvukom gitare. Momci pokazuju i dokazuju da jesu majstori svog zanata. Zadovoljni prelazimo na sledeću numeru Sol Sistere. Uvodi nas gitara. Tonovi se nižu oko nas. Pesma Sunca upravo počinje. Growl vokal se nadvija nad nama i ne planira da se zaustavi. Slavimo Sunce i u tome uživamo. Prelazimo na petu numeru Thrive. Vokal nas i dalje bombarduje dok mi svoje uživanje nastavljamo. Bas se posebno ističe u ovoj numeri da nas ubija do srži. Solaže ne izostaju i to sve donosi jedan sklad. Šesta numera Sol. Jedan lagani instrumental, koji nas vodi u sedmu numeru A Leader In Times Of War. Uz govor koji nas poziva na boj krećemo da marširamo. Bitka je u toku. Imperija ne sme pasti i mi moramo napade neprijatelja izdržati. Izdržaćemo svakako, jer nam to kazuje bubanj, koji udara po nama. Ne plašimo se. Ustajemo i pobeđujemo. Ponosno napuštamo bojno polje. Iza nas ostaju naši mrtvi neprijatelji. Prešli smo na numeru Father Sun - Father Dragon, svakako jedna od boljih numera na albumu. Pokreću nas teži tonovi i dublji growl vokal. Sirova melodija svakako. Naše uživanje je potpuno. Odlična pesma u svakom smislu te reči...tekstualno, produkcijski, vokalno. Melodična da pomera svaku kost u našem telu. Kakve solaže, vokal uništava. Pesma nas podiže i mi letimo. Deveta numera Aequus Nox. Vokal nastavlja istim tempom, dok gitara i bubanj prate u stopu. Ni primetili nismo da smo prešli na poslednju numeru Padre, pesmu koja nosi naslov kao i sam album. Brzi rifovi otvaraju pesmu. Opet prodorniji growl vokal. Mi se njišemo. Uživamo u muzici velikana španske muzičke scene. Došli smo do polovine pesme dok je osećaj blaženstva sve veći. Čuje se violina koja daje onu potku pesmi koja stvara mir, a onda boom! Vokal nas trese i mi skačemo. Dosledno za kraj.
Utisci? I više nego odlični. Ni sam ne znam koliko sam puta preslušao ovaj album. Mislim da mi ni to nije dosta. Pravo osveženje pagan scene. Iako je godina skoro počela, Padre će se svakako naći u konkurenciji za album godine. U to sam uveren! Živeli!
pagan metal
Casus Belli Musica, (2016.)
01: Ekleipsis - Debourer Of Gods
02: Bloodline Of The Wolves
03: Soaring
04: Sol Sistere
05: Thrive
06: Sol
07: A Leader In Times Of War
08: Father Sun - Father Dragon
09: Aequus Nox
10: Padre
Ocena: 9/10.
Hordak - Padre
I love music from the Iberian Peninsula. Especially if their roots in Celtiberian tradition. There are bands Arnica, The Wyrm, Urze de Lume, Cuelebre, among them stand out the guys in the band Hordak. Name chose the legendary hero of the cartoon "Masters of the Universe," Hordak. Their music is defined as celtiberian pagan metal. Behind now have one demo and three full length releases. His fourth and latest album Padre, announced earlier this year under the patronage of the great music label from Russia, Casus Belli Musica. The physical edition of the album looks really impressive. Cover doing nothing more or less, one of the greatest artists of our time Kris Verwimp. All praise for his work. Digipack edition contains the addition, the Russian version of the Father, which in the best possible way, reflects and evokes the look of the album. Therein lies the ten songs imbued with great riffs and we start listening.
The first track Ekleipsis - Debourer Of Gods. Fast riffs at the beginning of putting us know what awaits us. Recalling the old gods. They live among us. The text of a good, while the music creates a well-coordinated team. Next track Bloodline Of The Wolves, raw from the start. Solos are lower. Search blood of our clan leaders. The song is full charge and emotion. Enemies killed by our weapons. The third track is Soaring. Flute introduces us to the palaces of our ancestors. Tones are quiet and everything is equanimity. We enjoy, and then the thud of drums our sunset break and get up. This beautiful flute is heard again and mixed with the sound of the guitar. Guys show and prove that they are masters of their craft. Satisfied move on to the next track Sister Sol. Introduces us to the guitar. Tones are dotted around us. Song of the Sun is about to begin. Growl vocals hangs over us and does not plan to stop. We celebrate the sun and enjoy it. Moving on to the fifth track Thrive. Vokal us continue bombing until their enjoyment continue. Bas stands out in this numerical killing us to the core. Solos are not absent and it all brings a harmony. Sixth tracks Sol. One light instrumental, which leads us to the seventh track, A Leader In Times Of War. With a voice that calls us to move the fight to march. The battle is in progress. Empire Do not drop and we must endure the attacks of the enemy. Be sure to hold out, because this shows the drum, which strikes at us. We are not afraid. We get up and win. Proudly leave the battlefield. Behind us remain our enemy dead. We went to the track Father Sun - Father Dragon, certainly one of the better tracks on the album. We run heavier tones and deeper growl vocals. Crude melody definitely. Our enjoyment is complete. A great song in every sense of the word ... text, production, vocal. Melodious that breaks every bone in our body. What solos, vocals destroyed. The song lifts us up and we fly. The ninth track Aequus Nox. Vokal continues at the same pace, while guitars and drums accompanying the rate. We did not even notice that we move on to the last track Padre, a song entitled as well as the album. Fast riffs opening song. Again pervasive growl vocals. We sway. We enjoy the music greats of Spanish music scene. We have reached the half of the song while growing feeling of bliss. You hear a violin that gives one weft songs that creates peace, then boom! Vokal shakes us and we jump. Consistent to the end.
Tips? And more than excellent. I do not even know how many times I've listened to this album. I think that is not enough. Refreshment pagan scene. Although the year started almost, Padre will certainly find in the competition for album of the year. Of that I am convinced! Cheers!
pagan metal
Casus Belli Musica, (2016.)
01: Ekleipsis - Debourer Of Gods
02: Bloodline Of The Wolves
03: Soaring
04: Sol Sistere
05: Thrive
06: Sol
07: A Leader In Times Of War
08: Father Sun - Father Dragon
09: Aequus Nox
10: Padre
Mark: 9/10.
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